
Safecypher’s vision

To make online shopping safer

Our mission

Create virtually fraud-free and frictionless remote payments

Safecypher Limited is a technology company that develops innovations for the payments industry. Its customers are credit and debit card issuers that use Safecypher technology to make online card transactions secure and frictionless for merchants and cardholders.

Our goals are to help issuers:

  • Strengthen security
  • Improve customer experience
  • Reduce cost of fraud
  • Minimise challenges
  • Avoid liability shift
  • Increase revenue


Safecypher is managed by a highly experienced senior leadership team


Board includes significant experience of the payments sector and investor with impeccable credentials

Executive directors

Ben Jordan

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

  • New product innovator and delivery expert
  • Senior commercial roles within Esso, BNP Paribas and DCC plc
  • Highly skilled in security and fraud prevention

Jo Bamford

Chairman and principal investor

  • Board member of JCB Ltd for over 10 years
  • Green entrepreneur, ensuring zero-emission transport is at the top of the political and consumer agendas
  • Rescued Wrightbus from administration and built the first hydrogen-powered double-decker bus

Jamie Burns


  • Group CFO for Jo Bamford
  • Board member across all subsidiaries and responsible for strategic opportunities assessment
  • 17 years at PwC, leading Restructuring M&A team in London

Non-executive directors

Adrian Cannon

  • Highly successful career in payments
  • Ex-CEO at Omnio Group and Omnio EMI Ltd and Executive member of UK Payments Council

Lindsay Robertson

  • Senior executive in financial services and the public sector
  • Director at Witstock and currently runs Optimus Cards

Graham Peacop

  • Extensive background in banking and payments
  • Held senior roles at NatWest, MasterCard and was CEO of the UK Cards Association

Graham Lister

  • Commercial strategist with a long successful career in the oil industry
  • Built one of the largest UK fuel card resellers, later sold to DCC plc

Dave Smith

  • Consumer lending specialist with extensive experience in venture capital-backed start-ups in the UK and Europe
  • Held senior roles in the UK, US and Europe with GE Capital, RBS, SAV Credit (now NewDay) and specialist lending and recovery businesses